The Native American Tribe of Lenápe Muúrs

The City of Amexum Governance.

The City of Amexum is governed by a Tribal Proclamation Monarchy, this is a form of government in which a Monarch and Tribal Council acts as Heads of State operating within the parameters of a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e., uncodified) or blended agreement.

The City of Amexum is a Privatized City characterized by the following:

  1. A Privatized City is an at least semi-autonomous local authority with its own legal and regulatory framework, its own tax, customs and social regime, as well as its own administration, security forces and an independent dispute resolution system. A Privatized City is run by an operating company as a for-profit business, it guarantees the inhabitants protection of life, liberty and property.

  2. .

    Participation and residence in the Privatized City is voluntary.

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    There is no legal claim to admission to the Privatized City; the operators decides on this according to the cities criteria and discretion.

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    Each individual resident has concluded a written Natives’ agreement with the Privatized City and its operating company, which conclusively regulates the mutual rights and obligations. This includes the services to be provided by the operator and the amount to be paid for them, as well as the rules applicable in the Privatized City.

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    This Natives' Contract cannot be unilaterally changed; it represents the "personal constitution" of every agreed native.

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    Furthermore, agreed natives can do as they please, provided that they do not violate the rights of others or the other rules laid down in the Natives' Agreement.

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    All adult and legally capable residents are responsible for the consequences of their actions themselves, not "society" or the city tribal council. Apart from claims for agreed upon or family support, there is no right to live at the expense of third parties.

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    Any resident can terminate the agreement at any time and leave the Privatized City, but the Privatized City can only terminate the agreement for good cause, e.g. for breach of agreed obligations such as agreed upon protocols.

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    In the event of conflicts with the operating city, each party is entitled to appeal to independent (arbitration) courts that are not part of the operator's organization.

  10. Autonomy

    In order to implement a Privatized City, internal autonomy is necessary to regulate one's own affairs independently. The establishment of a Privatized City therefore requires an agreement.